Buttons / knobs slow in response or missing clicks

Buttons / knobs slow in response or missing clicks


You press a button or turn a knob and the response in the sim is delayed or sometimes you press a button and it's only working sometimes. It can also happen then you rotate a knob an x number of detents and it actually shows less clicks/detents in the sim.


This most often is related with the debug logging enabled in Aviatek Connector which affects the performance significantly. It that's the case, just turn off the debugging in the Connector (instructions below).

If the above is not the case, then it's down to USB issues. We found that with certain USB hubs or even certain USB ports in a given PC, we may experience this exact problem. We are not quite sure why this happens, but fortunately the solution is very simple as explained below.


Disable debugging in Aviatek Connector:

  1. Go to Aviatek Connector.
  2. Go to Tools / Settings.
  3. On the main settings page make sure that "Logging" is not enabled. Click OK.

If the above was not the solution, please try using a different USB port. Preferably connect the device directly to the PC instead of an USB hub.