AV G1000 PFD/MFD Setting

AV G1000 PFD/MFD Setting

Configure PFD/MFD setting on your G1000

Note: If you purchased your G1000 as either a AV G1000 Desktop Trainer or AV G1000 Complex Trainer and it came already mounted on a stand for you, it should come configured correctly so feel free to ignore the steps below.

In order for the buttons and switches from the device being correctly recognized, 

we have to assigned the device accordingly as a PFD or MFD. 

Otherwise the Aviatek Connector might trigger PFD inputs when you click on your MFD screen.

Please follow the below steps to configure the PFD/MFD assignment.

  1. Open Aviatek Connector.
  2. Go to Tools / Settings / Aviatek & MobiFlight Modules.
  3. Select one of your G1000 devices from the list on the left.
  4. *Select either a PFD or MFD setting on the right side accordingly.
  5. Close the Settings window and you are ready to go.

*) In some cases it may be difficult to know which device on the list is which. For example if you would have 2 x GDU 1044B they would both have the same name on the list. The simple trick we use to check which device you are currently editing is to fully turn down the backlight setting on the same settings page. You can also set a custom name to your device so it's easier for the future.

The backlight on your device should go off and now you know which device settings you are changing! :)